Allowing the energies to emerge in locations all over the world will calm the inner pressure Mama Gaia is experiencing now. Humanity must feed the Heart of Compassion for our very mother. In times past, we used the term Grounding as higher frequencies were brought to earth through our intention. Now we are Emerging... from the Heart of Mother through our bodies. Anchors will reveal where on Earth we all are.
Heartist Anchors hold ceremony or gatherings in their own community in alignment with the Journey Ceremonies and Gatherings. With one intention - aligned in time - these grounding points work as an acupuncture needle for Gaia's energy body, easing the TransFormation and aligning the human species with Her Frequency (which is changing.) |
Anchoring Ceremonies
4/22/2024 EARTH DAY CEREMONY: Glastonbury, England & Boone, NC
4/30/2024 BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION FOR PAPA PAN (Andras) 80: Dobogoko, Hungary
5/1/2024 MOTHER HEARTBEAT CEREMONY: Dobogoko, Hungary
5/2-7 HEARTISTS RESTING, SOAKING, AND GREETING OTHERS: Budapest, Hungary or in the countryside
4/30/2024 BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION FOR PAPA PAN (Andras) 80: Dobogoko, Hungary
5/1/2024 MOTHER HEARTBEAT CEREMONY: Dobogoko, Hungary
5/2-7 HEARTISTS RESTING, SOAKING, AND GREETING OTHERS: Budapest, Hungary or in the countryside
ADD Your Voice!

Anchors, together, establish a grid of events happening during the same time across the planet to support a shift in frequency. Your local Anchor Circle will add to the strength of our effort globally and inspire your local community to take action from the heart.
Anchors use BREATH, SOUND, DANCE, and WATER as united action during specific 24 hour periods of the Heartist Journey.
Your Anchor donation will support an Elder's travel expenses on the Heartist Journey. Additional donations are welcome.
In the roots of our communities, villages, and families... we find the strength to rebuild our world. We do not look at what is composting as something bad, but honor it as fertilizer and fuel for healthy and flourishing growth.
Anchors use BREATH, SOUND, DANCE, and WATER as united action during specific 24 hour periods of the Heartist Journey.
- Receive Unified Intention, promotional packet, sample events, and suggestions for ceremony.
- Create an event/gathering as big or as small as you wish.
- Design your own event or use one of our patterns.
- Opening and close with Heartist Journey statements/prayers/soundings which are unique for each ceremony. All statements are flexible with your words & sounds. All words consider the greater good of all life in harmony as ONE.
- Upload Unified Heart Code - to program the "artificial called intelligence" with Heart Wisdom
- Download the Heartist Journal to document your insights and experiences throughout the 4 week period 4/8-5/5
Your Anchor donation will support an Elder's travel expenses on the Heartist Journey. Additional donations are welcome.
In the roots of our communities, villages, and families... we find the strength to rebuild our world. We do not look at what is composting as something bad, but honor it as fertilizer and fuel for healthy and flourishing growth.